Tuesday, August 30, 2011
I deserved a sticker too!
Yesterday was Connors' 15th month appointment! I didn't think I would make it this far!
So you know, in my causal manner, I dress Mr. Man and slid on some flip flops with my hair in a rats' nest of a 'bun and away we go to his appointment! The moment I walk in, I always tell myself "Why the BEEP did you come in here lookin' a hot mess!?" Are pediatricians offices code for cat walk? That memo must have fallen out of my take home packet from the hospital. How the BEEP do these women have the chance to look like they hopped right off a fashion magazine?
Anyways our name gets called back and share the same ole' banter we always share with the nurse. It goes a little something like this:
Nurse "Look how big you've gotten Connor!"
Connor: blank stare
Nurse: "Connor how old are you?"
Connor: blank stare with little enthusiam
Nurse: "Are you ready for your shots big man?'
Me: Blank stare and thinking "ya right, are YOU ready for the screams?"
Connor: blank stare
My monster gets weighted, and measured, exercising his lungs...aka. screaming his little head off. Great! We haven't even gotten to the shots yet, and he's already making the other babies in the office cringe. He gets 3 shots that day. The worst is holding his arms down. I feel like he's going to pay me later for being an accomplish to this terrible thing called immunizations. Of course like a blubbering idiot I ball my eyes out along with him. Then the nurse turns around and comes back with stickers...
"Which sticker would you like" she said. Me acting all cutesy with the baby, says "Yay Connor, you derseve a sticker, which one would you like? The nurse than looks at me and says "No, I was asking which one you wanted, those shots looked tough on you mom"
Connor and I walk past the supermodel moms waiting in the lobby sporting our "see spot" stickers proudly on our t-shirts like we're badass and go on our merry little way! We made another immunization dr appointment! We totally kick ass.
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