Alright, it's officially fall. My favorite time of year. It's a cool 66 degrees out there and I broke out my favorite type of clothing....baggy : ) It's the only time of year, I look thinner than what I really am! Not only are the clothes better, so is the food, the football and general fall activities! Pre-baby I would never be home, but let's see how things are now different.
THEN: Sunday morning, sleep in till 1030 am, just in time for the NFL pre-game show to start. Take time to look hot, in my NFL gear, cute little bow in my hair head off to the bar with my husband. Drink beer till 9 pm, eat chicken wings till I was in a food coma and yell and scream with the other drunks in the bar!
NOW: Wake up at 630am. Slip on my NFL hoodie, with my hair in a greasy messy bun, because let's be honest, after picking up a shit ton of toys on the floor the night before, Id rather sleep than shower. Get hoodie covered in baby yogurt, fruit snacks and boogers all before 1030am. Turn on the game, and fill up sippy cups of juice, get poop on my face, and take a nap during halftime. Repeat.
THEN: Go to a festival, with just cash in my back pocket, stuff my face with crap like funnel cakes, a beer or two and walk away with some fun jewerly for myself or other random junk I wont be able to find in a year.
NOW: Pack diapers, wipes, sippy, toys, hats, extra clothes, snacks, more toys, blankets, books and load the baby and the huge stroller in the backseat. Drive away to the festival. Turn back around because we forget the meca of baby items, binkie, our savior. Go to the festival, share some boring frozen fruit with baby, walk around for 20 minutes until baby starts screaming. Then pick up the baby to make him happy, until you decided your back is about to give out and decide to just go home. I also learned that Connor can yell louder than the normal festival crowd and live band combined. Talent, pure talent.
Yep, things sure have changed around here. I'm gonna get all corny and crap and say, I would't change it for the world though! My bubs is worth every bit of puke and poop on my face...for today anyways : )
Isn't it so crazy how being a Mommy changes us? I used to be a party girl who could hold it down with the best of them. Now, I try to be in bed by 9pm and up around 6am. Back in the day I would sleep all day after going out the night before. Now the only time I sleep during the day is when my husband is off work and is ever so gracious to tell me to go take a nap because I look like I am about to fall apart :)