Friday, November 4, 2011

Tis the season

Tis the season, for the nasty, grimy toddler germs to be spread like wildfire. My poor little man has been battling a nasty cold for over 2 weeks. So naturally, I take him to the pediatricians office. God love my pediatrician, but YIKES!! I think during this season, we should all be in bubble wrap before we step through the door. I swear I cleaned off about 90 boogers, 20 coughs, and probably a fruit snack or too.

Anyways, turns out Connor has a bacterial infection and got antibiotics. Fingers crossed we both get some sleep tonight!!

oh yea, I forgot to tell you...I GET A MOMS NIGHT OFF tomorrow! Hell ya!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Onset bipolar Ones

First off, let me say I'm sorry for disappearing for so long. My son chucked my laptop like it was a generic brand toy! I got a new laptop and I'm ready to go baby!!

Okay, so over the last few weeks, I have noticed that Connors attitude has become a little more than I can handle. Wait a tick, the kid isn't even two yet! Doesn't the bad attitude start around that age? Terrible Twos right? WRONG!! I have decided to finally diagnose these terrible attitude to "Onset bipolar Ones"

"Onset bipolar Ones" What's that you ask? Well, it describes the gremlin personality my little man shows when I say the word No, or take away something he shouldn't be playing with. Then he can all of sudden, come up to me and give me a hug and a kiss and start playing by himself peacefully all over again. Bipolar I say!! Bi-freakin-polar!

There, for all you mothers out there who need a diagnoses to explain why your one yr old is acting this way! I found that the best coping strategies is to tell yourself your child will cure aids or breast cancer one day. It makes that tantrum a little easier to deal with.

just plain ole maxed out mama