Wednesday, September 7, 2011

ToTo, we aren't in babyweight land anymore.

Yesterday, Connor turned 16 months, I never thought I would see this day, or my old ass again. Turns out, I was right about one of those old ass.

Once Connor hit about 6 months, I was mentally ready to start getting back into shape. I had a goal to be a MILF. I didn't want to be one of 'those' moms who sounded like this:

THOSE MOMS: "You're losing weight too, OH, how awesome! Oh, you're losing baby weight too, even more awesome! Ya, I'm losing my baby weight too...."

6 MONTH POST-PARTUM, NO IDEA HOW HARD THIS IS GOING TO BE, ME: "Oh, good for you. How old is your baby?"

THOSE MOMS: " 3 years old"

6 MONTH POST-PARTUM, NO IDEA HOW HARD THIS IS GOING TO BE, ME: *Thinking to myself* Yikes, that's not baby weight anymore crazy lady.

Fast forward to now...HELL YES, it's still baby weight! I declare it baby weight until he's of legal age to down a margarita with me! I never knew how hard it would be to lose this weight! Granted, I lost 30 pounds but that doesn't make sneaking in the goldfish leftover from Connors' lunch any better. Or for that matter, finishing off his PB&J or his Gerber Spaghetti rings (damn those things are awesome )

Please tell me Im not the only mama still losing baby weight 16 months later...

maxed out of my pants, mama

1 comment:

  1. Girl, 11 months after I had my first, I found out I was pregnant with my second! She is due in November and I am so determined to lose the weight I gained with her, as well as my first! We can do it!!!!!!!!!!!
