Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Why, O Why?

....Am I watching Britney Spears's 'I wanna go' music video for the 23rd time today? Keep in mind, it's only 12:30 in the afternoon. I'll tell you why.

Once in the car, this damned song came on the radio, AGAIN, and I thought it was so cute when Connor started bobbing his head and singing 'Ah Ah Ah Ah' every time he heard Mrs. Spears herself. This unfortunately led me to tune in to VH1s Jump Start music videos and let Connor actually watch the music video. BIG FLIPPIN' MISTAKE!

Now, the whole household has to suffer when we are watching this video for the 30th time. I keeps him happy. He sings and plays with his toys while it's on. I guess I should be thankful. I can wash a few dishes, actually brush my hair. This video is like crack for babies.

Maybe Britney should market this! Nah, it would make me wanna go-ooo-ooo-- off a damn bridge.

Ahh, the things I do to occupy my toddler. What great lengths have you gone through?

- Sincerly
Maxed out of my mind with britney, mama


  1. I feel your pain. My son is obsessed with Dean Martin, so all day every day all he wants to listen to on repeat is dean martin kick in the head. I now no longer like dean martin lol new follower from mombloggers.

  2. I find it amazing the different stuff that even the littlest babies become attatched to without you wanting them too lol. im a new follower from MBC and would love a follow back


  3. Love your blog and point of view! How funny that he loves Brittney. Hey if it keeps him quiet...

    Following from MBC.

    Vicky @ http://messforless.blogspot.com
